Lunch at the Imperial on Sunday 16 May 2021

Date/Time: Sun 16 May 2021 - 12:00 to 15:00

Organiser: IBM QCC Victoria
Contact Name: Doug Parke
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Email:
Web Address for More Information:
Web Address for Bookings: Click here to submit your Booking
Cost: $40.00 per person
Imperial Hotel Bourke Street
2-8 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Payment Options

  1. Online using your Credit Card/Debit Card.  You can pay online using your credit card or debit card.
  2. Online via PayPal.  You can pay online via your PayPal account.
  3. PayID.  You can pay directly into the QCC bank account using the QCC PayId:
  4. Funds Transfer.  You can pay directly into the QCC bank account using the QCC BSB number/account number.

Closing Date

The closing date for bookings is 5 May 2021.


  • If you need to cancel your booking, please contact the Secretary:
  • A full refund will be given for any cancellation received prior to the closing date.
  • Refunds will not be possible for any cancellations after the closing date because final numbers have to be given to the venue on that date.

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